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Look # 608


** Babe Skin Lelutka Nova Head /BOM Exclusive for Skin Fair

** Shape Bento Babe Exclusive for Skin Fair

>> Available​ in colors : Brun, Canelle, Choco, Coffe, Ebony, Fair, Golden, Honey, Ivory, Lithium, Milk, Nougat, Pale, Porcelain, Tan

✁Gaeline Creations

** Ligie Mermaid Outfit For eBento Event

>> Compatible with : Maitreya, Slink

>> Available​ in colors : Hud Colors

✁ Profect Design

** Sanoy Eyes Exclusive for 2ND Chance Event

>> Compatible with : Catwa, Genus, Lelutka, MeshEyes

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